Tag Archives: Jon Moore

S9 E8 The Economics of Regenerative Agriculture

Growing Profitably: The Economics of Regenerative Agriculture

This is The ChangeUnderground

I’m your host, Jon Moore

Decarbonise the Air, Recarbonise the Soil!

Welcome to episode 8 of season 9: The Economics of Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture continues to gain momentum as a sustainable and environmentally positive approach to farming. While its environmental benefits are well-documented, there’s often a question mark surrounding the economics of regenerative agriculture. Can it be profitable? In this blog post, we’ll explore the economics of regenerative agriculture, examining how it can not only benefit the environment but also boost farmers’ profits. Continue reading →

S9E7: The End of Synthetic Chemicals

This is The ChangeUnderground

I’m your host, Jon Moore

Decarbonise the Air, Recarbonise the Soil!

Welcome to episode 7 of season 9: The End of Synthetic Chemicals

The widespread use of synthetic chemicals in conventional agriculture raises environmental concerns and sparked a growing interest in sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. Regenerative agriculture, with its emphasis on restoring and enhancing ecosystem health, is an obvioius alternative to chemical-intensive farming. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the regenerative agriculture practices that aim to ditch chemicals for the betterment of the environment, soil and our food system.

Why Ditch Chemicals?

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S9 E5 Small-Scale Success Stories: Regenerative Agriculture in Action

This is The ChangeUnderground

I’m your host, Jon Moore

Decarbonise the Air, Recarbonise the Soil!

Welcome to episode 5 of season 9:

Regenerative agriculture continues to gain prominence as a sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to farming. While it’s often associated with large-scale operations, the principles of regenerative agriculture can be successfully applied to small-scale farming, community gardens and even backyard growing. In this blog post, we’ll explore small-scale success stories, highlighting how regenerative agriculture is making a significant impact and creating positive change in local communities.

Regenerative Agriculture: A Brief Overview

Before diving into the success stories, it’s essential to understand what regenerative agriculture entails. At its core, regenerative agriculture is an approach to farming that seeks to restore and regenerate the health of ecosystems. It focuses on sustainable and holistic practices that prioritise soil health, biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Some of the key principles of regenerative agriculture include: Continue reading →

S9E4: Restoring Ecosystems

This is The ChangeUnderground

I’m your host, Jon Moore

Decarbonise the Air, Recarbonise the Soil!

Welcome to episode 4 of season 9: 

After a nearly six month hiatus, we’re back baby. Ill health – RSV then Covid then general lack of stamina, depression at the shape of the world, life interfering with the joys of podcasting and a period of great flux in my life, I’ve returned with a renewed sense of purpose. Having basically re-engineered my life to be how I’d like it, I now have more creative space to play with. I’ll stick with the seasonal structure for the show. The enforced periods of rest are something I’m scheduling into my life anyway. Rest was something very underappreciated by your narrator. I’ve learned my lesson. Continue reading →